

組織のインクルーシヴィティを測定する指標はいくつかある。たとえば、学校向けのIndex for Inclusionでは、Equality; Rights; Community; Respect for diversity; Sustainability; Participation; Trust; Compassion; Non-violence; Honesty; Courage; Beauty; Love; Joy; Hope; Wisdom といった価値のリストに対応して質問項目が設定されている。


Nishii, L. (2012) “The benefits of climate for inclusion for gender diverse groups,” Academy of Management Journal, amj-2009.


  1. 公正な雇用実践基盤(Foundation of equitable employment practices):バイアスの除去に資する取り組みを含む
  2. 差異の統合(Integration of differences): =対人関係レベルで互いの差異が尊重されているかどうかに関わる局面
  3. 意思決定における包摂(Inclusion in decision making):組織の現状にとって不都合な意見の尊重も含む



  • This [unit] has a fair promotion process.
  • The performance review process is fair in this [unit].
  • This [unit] invests in the development of all its employees.
  • Employees in this [unit] receive “equal pay for equal work.”
  • This [unit] provides safe ways for employees to voice their grievances.


  • This [unit] is characterized by a non-threatening environment in which people can reveal their “true” selves.
  • This [unit] values work-life balance.
  • This [unit] commits resources to ensuring that employees are able to resolve conflicts effectively.
  • Employees of this [unit] are valued for who they are as people, not just for the jobs that they fill.
  • In this [unit], people often share and learn about one another as people.
  • This [unit] has a culture in which employees appreciate the differences that people bring to the workplace.


  • In this [unit], employee input is actively sought.
  • In this [unit], everyone’s ideas for how to do things better are given serious consideration.
  • In this [unit], employees’ insights are used to rethink or redefine work practices.
  • Top management exercises the belief that problem-solving is improved when input from different roles, ranks, and functions is considered.


  • インクルーシブな風土を有する部署では、「ジェンダー多様性」が高くても「関係葛藤」「課題葛藤」を引き起しにくい。
  • インクルーシブな風土を有する部署では、「関係葛藤」があっても「部署満足度」が下がらない。



Diversity and Inclusion in Corporate America: What’s Different? What’s the Same? (CORNELLCAST, 20161017)


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