
Ryan, James. Inclusive Leadership and Social Justice in School, Leadership and Policy in Schools, 2006, 5: 3-17.





  • 富の(公平な)分配としての社会的公正(ジョン・ロールズ)
    • 個別的な分配を強調。結果、パターン化された関係性から注意をそらす。
    • The root of unequal distribution lies (…) with the formal and informal rules or norms that govern how members of society treat one another.
  • インクルージョンとしての社会的公正
    • 貧困や障害の領域では、inclusion/exclusion概念で、社会的公正を捉えてきた。
    • Those who promote inclusion believe that social justice can be achieved if people are meaningfully included in institutional practices and processes.
    • Their basic premise is that students can be excluded not just from the school premises, but also from leaning processes and activities because of ability, age, race, class, gender, and sexuality. (Dei et al., 2002; Riley & Rustique-Forrester, 2002)
  • 利点
    • They shift blame away from individuals, and in doing so, clear the way for uncovering the often taken-for-granted role of institutions and systems in shaping the unequal way people relate to one another, and the resulting unjust distribution of goods, rights, and responsibilities.
    • They also allow us to explore the particular forms and patterns that injustice follows in communities and school.
    • its positive focus.
  • インクルージョンと統合の違い
    • Conservative proponents, for example, believe that inclusion is simply a matter of integrating the excluded, marginalized and problematic into an already existing system. (…) The task for them, then, becomes a social engineering one. People are to be included, that is integrated, so that the system can be continue to run smoothly without unnecessary conflict or any fundamental changes. The status quo persists, with new participants, without any significant changed to the system. (既存のシステムに統合することはinclusionではない。システムを脅かさない範囲でincludeする)
    • Meaningful inclusion, then, requires that the system changes, Inclusion involves more than engineering minor problems; it can only be achieved when the structural and inherent features of an already unequal system are changed.
    • Doing this means not only permitting access for all, but also allowing the accessed to shape systemic practices so that they will be able to contribute and benefit from them just like everyone else. (アクセスを認めるだけでなく、システミックな実践を形作ることを認める必要がある)


  • ヒエラルキーとインクルージョンは相性が悪い
  • リーダーシップの集合的形態
    • distributed leadership
    • leadership is not simply a function of an individual leader’s ability, knowledge, charisma, and cognition, but part of a sociocultural context. In other words, influence (…) is best understood as a distributed or organizational practice that is “stretched over” varieties of artifacts, tools, language, people, and relationships (Spillane & Orlina, 2005).
    • School improve (…) from a variety of people working together in many different ways and roles, using the multitude of different resources that are available to them (Leithwood, Jantzi, & Steinbach, 1999; Smylie et al., 2002).
    • Leadership is best seen not in terms of individuals but as a collective process.


  • インクルージョンを提唱(advocate)する
  • 学校コミュニティ全体を教育する
  • 構成員の中に批判的意識や批判的内省を養う
  • 対話を育む
  • 教員自身が自分の教え方を批判的に語る
    • →多様な学び方が実現
  • インクルーシブな方針決定過程
  • 日々の活動に定着させる


  • a reluctance to recognize or acknowledge exclusive practices
  • increasing enthusiasm for exclusive measures of accountability
  • managerial approaches that reinforce already entrenched hierarchies
  • policies that place responsibility for what happens in organizations in the hands of single individuals like school administrators
  • cynicism towards efforts to empower people
  • a culture that has a belief in heroes


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