
Maria Berghs, Karl Atkin, Chris Hatton & Carol Thomas. (2019) “Do disabled people need a stronger social model: a social model of human rights?,” Disability & Society, 34:7-8,1034-1039.


緊縮財政によって障害者の人権が大きく毀損されている。こうした状況を受け、筆者らは「障害の社会モデル」では不十分で「人権の社会モデル」が必要だと主張する。なぜ「障害の社会モデル」では不十分なのか? 筆者らは、その理由を次のように述べる。

We would argue that the current approach of focusing on the removal of barriers, attitudinal change and what adjustments are ‘needed’ does not encompass social, medical or even charity models of disability (1037).

Finkelstein (2007) argued that models had to fit their times and needed to change with those times. The social model has, however, become fixed into a narrow rights-based approach, which saw the acquisition of rights as an end in itself (1035).

Oliver (2013), too, was not precious about the social model and open to its critiques but felt that all of ‘the talking’ was distracting from the way in which austerity and the broader neoliberal project were eroding the collective rights that the disability movement had built up in the United Kingdom (1036).


これに対し、筆者らは、障害者運動や障害学が「社会的(the “social”)」の意味を再解釈することによって障害者の生に残してきた遺産を引き継ぐ形で新たなモデルを見いだしていこうと呼びかけ、稿を閉じている。


Finkelstein, V. 2007.“The‘Social Model of Disability’and the Disability Movement.”

Oliver, M. 2013.“The Social Model of Disability: Thirty Years on,” Disability & Society, 28 (7): 1024–1026.


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